Event Calendar
To provide you with information about scheduled events for the Lake Halice Homeowners Association.
For special events, there will normally be a flyer sent out or hand-delivered to the members of the Lake Halice Association. Hopefully you will be able to participate and get to meet some new neighbors.
January each year: Notice of annual dues is sent to members of the Homeowner's Association.
March 30: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
(View Flyer)
April 15: Urbandale cleanup week begins. (click here to go to Urbandale Cleanup information website)
July 13: Annual Picnic and Home Owners Association Meeting. Picnic at 4:30 PM. Meeting at 5:15 PM.
(View Flyer)
September 13-14: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
April 8: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
(View Flyer)
April 29-30: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
May 1: Urbandale cleanup week begins. (click here to go to Urbandale Cleanup information website)
July 8: Annual Picnic and Home Owners Association Meeting. Picnic at 4:30 PM. Meeting at 5:15 PM.
(View Flyer)
April 16: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
(View Flyer)
April 29: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
May 2: Urbandale cleanup week begins. (click here to go to Urbandale Cleanup information website)
July 9: Annual Picnic and Home Owners Association Meeting. Picnic at 4:30 PM. Meeting at 5:15 PM.
(View Flyer)
April 3: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
(View Flyer)
April 16-18: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
April 19: Urbandale cleanup week begins. (click here to go to Urbandale Cleanup information website)
July 10: Annual Picnic and Home Owners Association Meeting. Picnic at 4:30 PM. Meeting at 5:15 PM.
(View Flyer)
April 11: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM. (This event has been canceled)
April 25: New event! (View Flyer)
July 11: Annual Picnic and Home Owners Association Meeting. Picnic at 5:00 PM. Meeting to follow.
(View Flyer)
September 21: Urbandale cleanup week begins.
April 20: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
May 2-4: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
May 6: Urbandale cleanup week pickup begins.
July 6: Annual Picnic and Home Owners Association Meeting. Picnic at 5:00 PM. Meeting to follow. Watch for flyer.
March 31: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
April 19-21: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
April 23: Urbandale cleanup week pickup begins.
July 7: Annual Picnic and Home Owners Association Meeting. Picnic at 5:00 PM. Meeting to follow. Watch for flyer.
April 15: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
April 20-22: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
April 24: Urbandale cleanup week pickup begins.
July 8: Annual Picnic and Home Owners Association Meeting. Picnic at 5:00 PM. Meeting to follow. Watch for flyer.
March 26: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
(View Flyer)
April 21-23: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
April 25: Urbandale cleanup week pickup begins.
July 9: Annual Picnic and Home Owners Association Meeting. See info delivered on June 24th.
April 4: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.See flyer that was delivered to your home for more information.
April 27: Urbandale cleanup week pickup begins.
April 30 thru May 2: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
July 4: Annual Picnic and Home Owners Association Meeting.
(View Flyer)
April 14: Urbandale cleanup week pickup begins.
April 19: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
April 24-26: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
(View Flyer)
July 5: Summer Spectacular – starting at 2 PM with a fishing contest, 5PM picnic and annual meeting to follow. See flyer that was delivered to your home.
March 30: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
(View Flyer)
April 11-13: Lake Halice Neighborhood Garage Sales.
April 15: Urbandale cleanup week pickup begins.
July 6: Summer Spectacular and Annual Meeting.
(View Flyer)
April 7: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM.
(View Flyer)
April 16: Urbandale cleanup week pickup begins.
May 3-5: Lake Halice Association Garage Sales.
(View Flyer)
July 7: Lake Halice Summer Spectacular – starting at 2PM with picnic and annual meeting to follow. See flyer that was delivered to your home.
April 14-17: Lake Halice Association Garage Sales. See Flyer for details.
April 23: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM. See Flyer for details.
(View Flyer)
July 4: Picnic and Annual Meeting, meat and drink provided, please bring a salad or dessert, along with your own plates and utensils.
There will be a fishing contest from 2:00 to 3:30, with boat races beginning at 4:00.
The picnic begins at 5:00. A short business meeting will be held after the picnic.
(View Flyer)
April 3: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM. See Flyer for details.
April 22-24: Lake Halice Association Garage Sales. See Flyer for details.
(View Flyer)
July 4: July get together, meat and drink provided, please bring salad or dessert, along with your own eating plates and utensils.
There will be a fishing contest at 2:30, with boat races and games beginning at 4:15.
The picnic begins at 5:00. A short business meeting will be held after the picnic.
Please consult the brochure that was delivered to your home for more information.
In the event of rain, the Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, July 5th at 2pm at Denny Arthur's home: 2729 Lakeland Drive.
April 11: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM. See Flyer for details.
April 17-18: Lake Halice Association Garage Sales. See Flyer for details.
(View Flyer)
July 4: July get together, meat and drink provided, please bring salad or dessert, along with your own eating plates and utensils. There will be contests and games beginning at 1:00, with picnic at 5:00. A short business meeting will be held after the picnic. Please consult the brochure that was delivered to your home for more information.
March 22: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM. See flyer for details.
April 17-19: Lake Halice Community Garage Sales. See flyer for details.
July 4: July get together, meat and drink provided, please bring salad or dessert, along with your own eating plates and utensils. There will be contests and games beginning at 1:00, with picnic at 5:00. A short business meeting will be held after the picnic. Please consult the brochure that was delivered to your home for more information.
October 25: Halloween Party - 3:00 PM at the park. Costume Parade & Contest, Tractor Rides, Bobbing for apples & games, Candy, for Kids of all ages.
April 7: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM. See flyer for details.
April 19-21: Lake Halice Community Garage Sales. See flyer for details.
July 4: July get together, meat and drink provided, please bring salad or dessert, along with your own eating plates and utensils. There will be activities for children. Please consult the brochure that was delivered to your home for more information. A short business meeting will be held at this event.
April 15: Easter egg hunt at 10:00 AM. See flyer for details.
May 19-20: Lake Halice Community Garage Sales. See flyer for details.
July 4: July get together, meat and drink provided, please bring salad or dessert, along with your own eating plates and utensils. There will be activities for children. Please consult the brochure that was delivered to your home for more information. A short business meeting will be held at this event.
April 23: Easter egg hunt for children 2 thru 10.
May 20-22: Lake Halice community garage sales.
July 4: July get together, meat and drink provided, please bring salad or dessert, along with your own eating plates and utensils. There will be activities for children. Please consult the brochure that was delivered to your home for more information. A short business meeting will be held at this event.
October 29: Halloween Party - 4:00 PM at the park. Check the flyer for details.