Minutes from the 2020 Annual Meeting
Call Meeting to Order
Call the meeting to order.
Thank everyone for coming.
Prior Year Annual Meeting Minutes
I have 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes with me if you would like me to read them.
2019 Financials (Jim Thompson)
Discuss 2019 Financials and Budget.
Vote to approve financials and budget. (Approved at meeting)
Introduce the Board members
Damon Yaeger, Vice President
Jim Thompson, Friend of the Board, Treasurer.
Dani Timm, Secretary.
Other Board Members: Brian Stammer, Dutch Timm, Nick Roberson, and Jeff Jackson.
Acknowledge volunteers. These people deserve special thanks for the volunteer work they do for Lake Halice:
Damon Yaeger does mowing, lumberjacking and most other jobs.
Judy and Jerry Roberts are mowing the park area.
Judy Roberts planted the flowers at the park sign.
Jim Thompson, a retired CPA, does our accounting.
Dani Timm, Secretary, was responsible for bookkeeping, billing, banking, flyers, and numerous other jobs.
Jon Olson manages our website.
Vicki Likteig organizes our annual garage sale.
Mike Arthur and Lisa Mumma (Friends of the Board) help with numerous jobs around the lake.
All the board members help with various jobs throughout the year.
We owe these volunteers a huge thank you. We have estimated that they do over $10,000/year in volunteer work. Without their efforts we would need a hefty increase in dues. Thank you to all the volunteers!
New Secretary
Last year Dani Timm agreed to take over the Secretary duties. We were excited to have Dani with us and she indicated she had ideas to streamline the secretary’s duties. She converted us to QuickBooks and created a database of email addresses for most of the members! We owe her a world of thanks!!! Unfortunately, Dani has moved to Missouri, and we need a new Secretary. Would anybody like the job? Jim Thompson has volunteered until we find a new Secretary. (Leslie Sullivan volunteered to take the Secretary position! Thank you, Leslie!!!)
Easter Egg Hunt
Cancelled due to Pandemic.
Annual Garage Sale
Cancelled due to Pandemic.
Condition of the Lake
The water is clear. We still have grass, but it is needed to use the nutrients left by our goose herd. We had an onslaught of fishermen this year. I am sure it was due to the Pandemic. They seem to catch a lot of lively, healthy, and large fish. It appears most fishermen are using catch and release. Any questions about the lake?
Ground Hogs
Groundhogs can do catastrophic damage to our dam and are on ongoing problem.
Please let Denny or the Board know if you see a groundhog. 515-276-8199
Trapping ground hogs will be an ongoing effort, as we just can’t have these animals in the area.
Drain in the Apartment Parking Lot
The drain cage installed two years ago is working as designed to keep the debris out.
Lake Overflow
Attention must be paid to this overflow any time we have heavy rains and high winds. It doesn’t always plug but needs attention when it does.
Wood Duck Houses
We had a pair of wood ducks again this year; however, we did not see any ducklings. We are assuming the mother moved them. Maybe we will have better luck next year.
Member Voting Results on 1965 Knapp Covenants
In February of 2020, a ballot was sent to all members to vote to amend the 1965 Knapp Covenants. The vote passed 127 to 5. Below is a summary:
Amendment 1 - Makes the annual rent (membership fees) for the Apartments a minimum of $35/unit per year.
Amendment 2 - Clarifies that the Lake Halice Homeowner’s Association owns and controls the parking lot on the north side of the Apartment property. Lakeview Apartments may use this parking lot if their obligations of rent and maintenance are current. Lakeview Apartments must maintain the parking lot and the land from the South end of the Lake to Lakeview Property. This maintenance shall include mowing, emptying trash cans, and keeping the parking area paved and free of ice/snow.
Amendment 3 – Requires liability insurance be provided by both Lake Halice Homeowners Association and Lakeview Apartments.
Amendment 4 – Indicates the Covenants can be amended on a yearly basis subject to a vote of the majority of the Lake Halice Homeowners attending an annual meeting.
2019 and 2020 Tree Removal
Mulberry trees along 86the Street.
Large dead tree at the end of the woods (hazardous!).
Trees behind Julie’s house.
More mulberry trees in the northeast woods.
Dead tree in the lake (south end).
40 6-8” trees removed/chipped. Denny Arthur, Mike Arthur, Lisa Mumma and three of Denny’s employees worked about 100 hours to assist the hired tree removal professionals. The tree trimmer charged us $1,500. Without the volunteer work, the cost would have been more than $5,000.
Trimming Trees in the Park
The six large ash trees and eleven other trees in the park were trimmed this Spring. Our park property looks a lot nicer now, and we have fewer falling/broken tree limbs.
DNR Dam Inspection
Michael and Denny Arthur spent three days clearing scrub trees from the lake side of the dam.
Two DNR officers inspected the dam. They requested that the bushes on the north end of the dam be removed. We will do that work this fall.
We received a “satisfactory” grade, which is the best rating possible.
Ash Tree Treatment
Wright Tree Service was treating our ash trees for ash borers at a cost of $2,395 every two years. Our new arborist (Myer Tree Service) is charging $1,200 every two years, a savings of $1,195 per two years.
When our ash trees were trimmed, we were told there was some existing damage from ash borers. It remains to be seen if these treatments will work.
Additional Volunteers
We’d like to have volunteers for emergency situations around the lake. Examples might include a fallen tree, emergency cleanup due to storms, etc. If you like to add your name to this list, please see Denny.
Are there any question or comments?
Vote for Board Members*. (The bolded members were approved for new term.)
Denny Arthur – Term expires 2023 (3-year term). First elected to board 1994
Damon Yaeger – Term expires 2023 (3-year term). First elected to board 2009
Tobey Charloe – Term expires 2023 (3-year term). First elected to board 2020
Brian Stamer – Term expires 2023 (3-year term). First elected to board 2014
Dutch Timm – Term expires 2021 (3-year term). First elected to board 2015
Nick Roberson – Term expires 2022 (3-year term). First elected to board 2016
Jeff Jackson – Term expires 2021 (3-year term). First elected to board 2018
*According to Article III of the Lake Halice Bylaws, all Lake Halice Board Members have a three-year term.
Adjourn Lake Halice Homeowners Association Annual Meeting
Lake Halice
2020 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors*
July 11, 2020
Call to Order the Annual Meeting of Board of Directors
Vote on Officers
Damon Yaeger (voted in 7/11/2020)
Jeff Jackson* (voted in 7/11/2020)
Jim Thompson (Friend of the Board)
Leslie Sullivan (voted in 7/11/2020)
Legal Support
Dave Isaacson
Other Board Members
Nick Roberson (2016)
Brian Stammer (2014)
Dutch Timm (2015)
Denny Arthur (1994)
Tobey Charloe (2020)
*Jeff Jackson was initially elected as a Board Member in 2018
Other business to discuss? None discussed due to storm.
Adjourn the Annual Meeting of Board of Directors