Minutes from the 2011 Annual Meeting
Meeting called to order by Denny Arthur. Damon, Bart, John, Denny, Steve, Ken and Brian were present. Jim Thompson, treasurer was present.
The new business was the election of officers.
It was moved and seconded that:
Denny Arthur would continue as president.
Kirk Jorgensen would continue as vice president.
Jim Thompson would continue as treasurer.
Denny asked if there were any questions or concerns.
A concern was expressed by Jude Dickson about a property that borders her on the south. What can the board do about the owner violating code on the property? The owner currently has Lake Halice liens on the property. Has the homeowner violated any covenant restriction on the abstract? Is there a time limit on violations? Denny agreed that our lawyer, Cliff Swartz, would be contacted to see if there was anything Lake Halice could do.
The Annual Meeting was adjourned.