Minutes from the 2008 Annual Meeting
The Lake Halice Annual Meeting called to order by the president, Denny Arthur.
The first order of business was the awarding of the trophies by Jim Thompson. He awarded by age group, size of fish and biggest fish. Then the boating awards were given.
Denny Arthur then recapped the year.
The first major discussion was the fish kill. Volunteers removed over 200 carp, bass, crappie and blue gill out of the lake and filled a huge dumpster over 2/3 full. The cause of the fish kill was attributed to excessive geese population and high temperature of the water, and the algae bloom which deprived the fish of oxygen.
The lake has been restocked with 250 bass approximately 10-12" at this time.
Denny then thanked Jim and Connie Thompson for all their hard-work cleaning the dike area on the east side of the lake along 86th Street.
Denny reported that the Easter Egg Hunt was a huge success based in part to the arrival of the "REAL" Easter bunny. Approximately 75 children participated.
The Lake Halice Garage Sale was reported to be a huge success also. The feed-back reportedly liked having it the week before Spring Pick-up, so it will be scheduled again for that time next year.
Denny reported that 6 pair of geese had families at the lake this year.
Denny then opened up for questions and comments. Concerning the 4th of July picnic, a request was made for diet, caffeine-free pop and less sliced beef.
Denny praised the long service to Lake Halice Board of Jim Hayes who has retired.
An election of new members was held and Sue Vance and Julie Reynolds were added to the board and Jim Thompson becomes a "Friend of the Board" and Leslie Sullivan has gone off the board. Dave Bosman, Bart White and Brick Volkmer were re-elected to the board.
The Annual Meeting was adjourned.