Minutes from the 2012 Annual Meeting
Meeting opened by Denny Arthur
Discussed change from having picnic/meeting on July 4th to the Saturday following the 4th.
Motioned and passed that meeting would be Saturday after 4th going forward.
Denny discussed the difficulty with the lake grasses and the addition of more grass carp this year. We have bought and spread some chemicals to help control the weeds around the dock area for fishing. He also asked for volunteers to help with clearing the dam area or providing rip-rap for shoreline. Possibility of hiring someone to clear much of the dam area since the DNR is scheduled to inspect. He will get an estimate and have the board vote on it.
New grate top for the lake outlet has been ordered so that there is a 8-10” grate standing on top of the outlet with a cover so that grass cannot build up on all sides and clog the outlet and raise the lake level. It will be installed by board members.
New (used) commercial grade lawn mower was purchased by the association so volunteers can continue to mow common areas.
Denny thanked all the Board Members and volunteers for their help in putting on the Easter Egg hunt, and Jim and Connie Thompson for organizing the fishing contest and picnic. He thanked Board Members for their help in clearing some of the brush around the dam and all the mowing.
Damon Yaeger was able to haul in some old playground equipment which he will use to make some fishing platforms around the lake. Volunteers would be appreciated, they can contact Damon.
Opened floor to questions, there were none, and meeting was adjourned.