Minutes from the Annual Meetings

2024 Minutes


Meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by President Damon Yaeger. There were 23 present. He thanked everyone for coming despite the heat being in the 90’s.

He stated that the minutes of last year’s annual meeting were on the Lake Halice website, but offered to read them if someone would desire that. No one requested he read the minutes.

The financials covering the period July 2023 to July 2024 were handed out as well as the budget for 2024. Large expenses were highlighted and reviewed by President Yaeger. These included the purchase of an ATV and related repairs. The time saving on snow removal due to the purchase of the ATV was stressed. The Ash trees were treated and all docks had repair work.

Board members Damon Yaeger, President; Jeff Jackson, Vice President, Tobey Charloe, Denny Arthur, Dutch Timm, Nick Roberson and Brian Stammer were introduced. Judy Roberts was introduced as Secretary/Treasurer.

The term of Dutch Timm expires in 2024. A motion was made and seconded to renew his term. Motion passed.

Volunteers and friends of the Board were acknowledged. They included Brick, Mike and Lisa, Neil, Susan, Cathy and Vicki. Special acknowledgement was given to Jon and Carol Olson for their website, billing and mailing work.

The Easter Egg Hunt was a success with about 45 youngsters attending. Golden eggs were added again this year with Dairy Queen coupons in them.

The annual garage sale will be in September.

The condition of the lake appears to be good. We still have chemicals if needed. They are looking into a weed control system to control weeds on the dam. There are a lot of turtles and geese, but have no way to reduce the numbers.

Discussions continue with the owner of the apartments regarding the past-due fees. There are also several homes with past-due fees. Some as much as $700. There was discussion as to whether to use Small Claims Court for some of these. Judy Roberts will research the process and cost. She will also check into the lien process. Dutch Timm suggested we add language stating the costs incurred to collect past-due fees will be added to what the lien is.

President Damon encouraged others to get involved in whatever way they can. Tobey suggested sending an email out when there is an issue that might require help.

It was mentioned that this was the second year without a fishing contest. Discussed having a bags tournament. Maria Jackson offered the use of a block party trailer from her church to create a fun evening for the HOA members. President Yaeger said that idea would be considered. The offer is greatly appreciated.

A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting at 6:04.

2023 Minutes



Meeting was called to order at 5:04 on 7/08/2023 by President Damon Yaeger.  There were 20 people in attendance.  He thanked everyone for coming.


There was a brief discussion of the “LHHOA Bible” that was created by Denny Arthur.  Denny was thanked for his hard work and dedication to the creation of information.


The 2022 financial and 2023 budget were discussed.  The large expenses that were highlighted were the purchase of a new tractor/mower, the ash bore tree treatment and limb removal as well as lake chemicals.


Board members were introduced.  Six members had terms expiring in 2023.  Damon Yaeger, Jeff Jackson, Denny Arthur, Tobey Charloe, Brian Stammer and Nick Roberson.  A motion was made and seconded to reinstate all members to the board.  Leslie Sullivan, Secretary, is stepping down and Judy Roberts will take over. 


Volunteers and Friends of the Board were acknowledged.  President Yaeger reported all the work those people, in addition to the board members, do and expressed the need for more volunteers.


It was reported that the HOA will stop using Accounting and Tax Time Services as Treasurer because Judy Roberts has agreed to take that over.


The Easter Egg Hunt had approximately 45 youngsters.  Photos and videos are posted on the Facebook page.


The condition of the lake was discussed.  Lake looks good.  More chemicals will be added in 2023.


There are on-going discussions with the apartments.  Plans are being made to repo the parking spaces that belong to the HOA if the issue is not resolved.


President Yaeger reminded everyone that the new late fee percent was implemented.


No one showed up for the fishing contest.  It was suggested doing a bags tournament in the future.


With no further business brought up, the meeting was adjourned by President Damon Yaeger.



2022 Minutes

Meeting Minutes Lake Halice Homeowners Association 2022 Annual Meeting – July 9, 2022 1. Call Meeting to order (5:15pm CT) • Call Meeting to order • Thanked everyone for attending the Lake Halice annual meeting 2. Prior Year Annual Meeting Minutes (online) • I have Annual Meeting Minutes from last year, If you would like them read, otherwise they are on the website. www.lakehalice.com (remember 2021 meeting was cut short due to a tornado warning) 3. 2021 Financials and 2022 Budget • Discussed financials and Budget • Discussed Large Expenses this past year ✓ Insurance premium $1500, up $600 ✓ Tractor repairs $920, up $420 new rear tires ✓ Property Taxes $475, down $500 ✓ Sidewalk Repairs $2000 ✓ Lake Chemicals $720 2021/2022 4. Introduced Board Members: • Damon Yaeger President (expires 2023) • Jeff Jackson VP (expires 2023) • Denny Arthur (expires 2023) (Member since 1994) • Tobey Charloe (expires 2023) • Brian Stammer (expires 2023) • Dutch Timm (expires 2024) • Nick Roberson (expires 2022) Re-elected – Voted in by majority – All Yes • Leslie Sullivan: Secretary (flyers, banking, billing) 5. Acknowledged Volunteers, Friends of the Board: Special Thanks to the following: • Jim Thompson (Treasurer – Passed away 12/26/2021) • Judy Roberts mowing landscaping • Jon Olson Manages our website • Carol Olson billing and mailing • Brick mowing and landscaping of park • Mike, Lisa, and Cathy (limb clean up) • Vicki Liktieg organizes annual garage sale (*Wasn’t very successful, requested a change to July) • Abby and Corey Sharp • All board Members help with various jobs throughout the year. 6. Board Voted to hire Accounting and Tax Time Services to become new Treasurer after Jim’s passing 7. Easter Egg Hunt Approximately 45 Youngsters 8. Annual Garage Sale • Anyone participate? No reply • Too cold in April, reschedule to July 9. Condition of the Lake: • Chemicals put in weekend after 2021 annual meeting and lake looks great • Planning more chemicals in next couple of weeks • Lots of painted turtles in the lake 10. Still in discussions with Apartments: • Issacson meeting with Apartment Attorney next week, they haven’t paid dues for 2021 • Still no payment for 2022 dues (owes close to $5000) 11. Implementation of late fees 14.3% on unpaid balance is active (equals $5.00) 12. Side Walks repaired per mandate by City of Urbandale • $2,000 cost 13. Bi-yearly tree treatment was this year for Emerald Ash Borer • The trees are looking good and healthy 14. Fishing Contest Results • Nobody showed up 15. Always looking and needing volunteers: Please get involved 16. Questions and Comments? a) How long have we had the mower i. At least 10 years ii. Mower losing power, missing a cylinder, spurting oil, may need a rebuilt motor & mowing deck which is aluminum and has holed. Our current mower is a 52”. A 60” mower would be nice. iii. We mow 3 acres weekly b) Motion to shop and purchase a new mower for the HOA by Brick, seconded by Tobey, all approved Meeting adjourned

2021 Minutes

  1. Call to Order

  1. Prior Year Meeting Minutes

  1. 2020 Financials (Jim Thompson)

  1. Introduction of the Board members

  • Damon Yaeger, President

  • Jeff Jackson, Vice President

  • Jim Thompson, Treasurer

  • Leslie Sullivan, Secretary

  • Dave Isaacson, Legal Support

Other Board Members:

  • Nick Roberson

  • Brian Stammer

  • Dutch Timm

  • Denny Arthur

  • Tobey Charloe

  1. Acknowledge Volunteers

Thank you to Judy Roberts for mowing, and Corey & Abby Sharp for volunteering to help with whatever needs done.

  1. Easter Egg Hunt

40+ children, it was a good year.

  1. Annual Garage Sale

  1. Condition of Lake Halice

  1. Apartment Parking

BOD members voted that HOA members will not use the HOA owned parking spaces at the apartments. Apartments owned by Conlin Group which is demanding a vote per building unit, not by apartment tenant.

To approve by majority to rescind the covenants which gives the BOD the right to rescind 1 – 4 covenants. Denny Arthur moved, Corey Sharp seconded – Approved.

Yes = 14, No = 2.

  1. Apartment Disagreement

*Not discussed as tornado sirens were wailing

  1. Lowering Taxes (Denny Arthur)

We have been paying commercial property taxes on the Lake Halice land. When Denny identified this and knowing this is a year that property tax can be disputed, he requested this be changed/updated for a total savings of +$900 annually.

  1. Lake Chemicals

2021 – We haven’t added any chemicals to the lake yet this year but do have them on hand to apply. Purchased Duck Muck to eat the bottom muck from the lake, and this year bought pellets.

  1. Lake Chores – Volunteer Time

*NOTE: A tornado warning concluded the meeting early therefore we did not have the opportunity to discuss all agenda items.

2020 Minutes

  1. Call Meeting to Order

  • Call the meeting to order.

  • Thank everyone for coming.

  1. Prior Year Annual Meeting Minutes

  • I have 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes with me if you would like me to read them.

  1. 2019 Financials (Jim Thompson)

  • Discuss 2019 Financials and Budget.

  • Vote to approve financials and budget. (Approved at meeting)

  1. Introduce the Board members

  • Damon Yaeger, Vice President

  • Jim Thompson, Friend of the Board, Treasurer.

  • Dani Timm, Secretary.

  • Other Board Members: Brian Stammer, Dutch Timm, Nick Roberson, and Jeff Jackson.

  1. Acknowledge volunteers. These people deserve special thanks for the volunteer work they do for Lake Halice:

  • Damon Yaeger does mowing, lumberjacking and most other jobs.

  • Judy and Jerry Roberts are mowing the park area.

  • Judy Roberts planted the flowers at the park sign.

  • Jim Thompson, a retired CPA, does our accounting.

  • Dani Timm, Secretary, was responsible for bookkeeping, billing, banking, flyers, and numerous other jobs.

  • Jon Olson manages our website.

  • Vicki Likteig organizes our annual garage sale.

  • Mike Arthur and Lisa Mumma (Friends of the Board) help with numerous jobs around the lake.

  • All the board members help with various jobs throughout the year.

We owe these volunteers a huge thank you. We have estimated that they do over $10,000/year in volunteer work. Without their efforts we would need a hefty increase in dues. Thank you to all the volunteers!

  1. New Secretary

  • Last year Dani Timm agreed to take over the Secretary duties. We were excited to have Dani with us and she indicated she had ideas to streamline the secretary’s duties. She converted us to QuickBooks and created a database of email addresses for most of the members! We owe her a world of thanks!!! Unfortunately, Dani has moved to Missouri, and we need a new Secretary. Would anybody like the job? Jim Thompson has volunteered until we find a new Secretary. (Leslie Sullivan volunteered to take the Secretary position! Thank you, Leslie!!!)

  1. Easter Egg Hunt

  • Cancelled due to Pandemic.

  1. Annual Garage Sale

  • Cancelled due to Pandemic.

  1. Condition of the Lake

  • The water is clear. We still have grass, but it is needed to use the nutrients left by our goose herd. We had an onslaught of fishermen this year. I am sure it was due to the Pandemic. They seem to catch a lot of lively, healthy, and large fish. It appears most fishermen are using catch and release. Any questions about the lake?

  1. Ground Hogs

  • Groundhogs can do catastrophic damage to our dam and are on ongoing problem.

  • Please let Denny or the Board know if you see a groundhog. 515-276-8199

  • Trapping ground hogs will be an ongoing effort, as we just can’t have these animals in the area.

  1. Drain in the Apartment Parking Lot

  • The drain cage installed two years ago is working as designed to keep the debris out.

  1. Lake Overflow

  • Attention must be paid to this overflow any time we have heavy rains and high winds. It doesn’t always plug but needs attention when it does.

  1. Wood Duck Houses

  • We had a pair of wood ducks again this year; however, we did not see any ducklings. We are assuming the mother moved them. Maybe we will have better luck next year.

  1. Member Voting Results on 1965 Knapp Covenants

  • In February of 2020, a ballot was sent to all members to vote to amend the 1965 Knapp Covenants. The vote passed 127 to 5. Below is a summary:

    1. Amendment 1 - Makes the annual rent (membership fees) for the Apartments a minimum of $35/unit per year.

    2. Amendment 2 - Clarifies that the Lake Halice Homeowner’s Association owns and controls the parking lot on the north side of the Apartment property. Lakeview Apartments may use this parking lot if their obligations of rent and maintenance are current. Lakeview Apartments must maintain the parking lot and the land from the South end of the Lake to Lakeview Property. This maintenance shall include mowing, emptying trash cans, and keeping the parking area paved and free of ice/snow.

    3. Amendment 3 – Requires liability insurance be provided by both Lake Halice Homeowners Association and Lakeview Apartments.

    4. Amendment 4 – Indicates the Covenants can be amended on a yearly basis subject to a vote of the majority of the Lake Halice Homeowners attending an annual meeting.

  1. 2019 and 2020 Tree Removal

  • Mulberry trees along 86the Street.

  • Large dead tree at the end of the woods (hazardous!).

  • Trees behind Julie’s house.

  • More mulberry trees in the northeast woods.

  • Dead tree in the lake (south end).

  • 40 6-8” trees removed/chipped. Denny Arthur, Mike Arthur, Lisa Mumma and three of Denny’s employees worked about 100 hours to assist the hired tree removal professionals. The tree trimmer charged us $1,500. Without the volunteer work, the cost would have been more than $5,000.

  1. Trimming Trees in the Park

  • The six large ash trees and eleven other trees in the park were trimmed this Spring. Our park property looks a lot nicer now, and we have fewer falling/broken tree limbs.

  1. DNR Dam Inspection

  • Michael and Denny Arthur spent three days clearing scrub trees from the lake side of the dam.

  • Two DNR officers inspected the dam. They requested that the bushes on the north end of the dam be removed. We will do that work this fall.

  • We received a “satisfactory” grade, which is the best rating possible.

  1. Ash Tree Treatment

  • Wright Tree Service was treating our ash trees for ash borers at a cost of $2,395 every two years. Our new arborist (Myer Tree Service) is charging $1,200 every two years, a savings of $1,195 per two years.

  • When our ash trees were trimmed, we were told there was some existing damage from ash borers. It remains to be seen if these treatments will work.

  1. Additional Volunteers

  • We’d like to have volunteers for emergency situations around the lake. Examples might include a fallen tree, emergency cleanup due to storms, etc. If you like to add your name to this list, please see Denny.

  1. Are there any question or comments?

  1. Vote for Board Members*. (The bolded members were approved for new term.)

Denny Arthur – Term expires 2023 (3-year term). First elected to board 1994

Damon Yaeger – Term expires 2023 (3-year term). First elected to board 2009

Tobey Charloe – Term expires 2023 (3-year term). First elected to board 2020

Brian Stamer – Term expires 2023 (3-year term). First elected to board 2014

Dutch Timm – Term expires 2021 (3-year term). First elected to board 2015

Nick Roberson – Term expires 2022 (3-year term). First elected to board 2016

Jeff Jackson – Term expires 2021 (3-year term). First elected to board 2018

*According to Article III of the Lake Halice Bylaws, all Lake Halice Board Members have a three-year term.

  1. Adjourn Lake Halice Homeowners Association Annual Meeting

Lake Halice

2020 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors*

July 11, 2020

  1. Call to Order the Annual Meeting of Board of Directors

  • Vote on Officers



Damon Yaeger (voted in 7/11/2020)


Jeff Jackson* (voted in 7/11/2020)


Jim Thompson (Friend of the Board)


Leslie Sullivan (voted in 7/11/2020)

Legal Support

Dave Isaacson

Other Board Members

Nick Roberson (2016)

Brian Stammer (2014)

Dutch Timm (2015)

Denny Arthur (1994)

Tobey Charloe (2020)

*Jeff Jackson was initially elected as a Board Member in 2018

  • Other business to discuss? None discussed due to storm.

  1. Adjourn the Annual Meeting of Board of Directors

2019 Minutes

1. Call the meeting to order

 • Call the meeting to order.

 • Thank everyone for coming and for bringing all the special dishes.

2. Prior Year Annual Meeting Minutes

 • I have 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes with me if you would like me to read them.

3. 2018 Financials

 • Jim Thompson, our treasurer, is out of town. Denny Arthur will discuss 2018 financials and 2019 budget.

 • Vote to approve financials and budget.

4. Introduce the Board members

 • Jim Thompson, Friend of the Board, Treasurer.

 • Kim Jorgensen, Secretary.

 • Other Board Members: Damon Yaeger, Brian Stammer, Dutch Timm, Nick Roberson, and Jeff Jackson.

5. Acknowledge volunteers. These people deserve special thanks for the volunteer work they do for Lake Halice:

 • Damon Yaeger does mowing, lumberjacking and most other jobs.

 • Macie Yaeger assists her Dad and also plays the Easter Bunny!

 • Judy and Jerry Roberts are mowing the park area.

 • Jim Thompson, a retired CPA, does all our accounting.

 • Kim Jorgensen, Secretary. Kim is responsible for bookkeeping, billing, banking, flyers, and numerous other jobs.

 • Jon Olson manages our website.

 • Vicki Likteig organizes our annual garage sale.

 • Mike Arthur, Friend of the Board, helps with numerous jobs around the lake.

 • All of the board members help out with various jobs throughout the year.

  We owe these volunteers a huge thank you. We have estimated that they do over $10,000/year in volunteer work. Without their efforts we would need a hefty increase in dues. Thank you to all the volunteers!

6. New Secretary

 •  Recently, Dani Timm has agreed to take over the Secretary duties. We will vote on this later in the meeting. I'm excited to have Dani with us. She has indicated she has ideas to streamline the Secretary's duties. Anything we can do to make things easier is a bonus.

7. Emerald Ash Bore

 • Wright Service continues to inject our Ash trees every other year. The cost is $2250 every two years.

8. Easter Egg Hunt

 • We had about 50 kids and as usual they had a great time. The Easter Bunny once again made an appearance for pictures!

9. Annual Garage Sales

 • It appears to me that volume of participants is down.

 • We hold it the weekend before Urbandale Cleanup. Does anyone have a suggestion for a different date or is this date satisfactory?

10. Shape of the Lake

 • The lake seems to be in excellent shape. We still have grass, but it is needed to use the nutrients left by our goose herd. I've seen more fish caught this year than ever. They seem to be lively, healthy, and large. It appears all fishermen are using catch and release. Any questions about the lake?

11. GroundHogs

 • Last year, we trapped five groundhogs and one was killed, possibly by an owl.

 • Groundhogs dig large, deep dens with three entrances which could easily ruin our dam.

 • We have not seen any yet this year. If you do see one, please let Denny know, and he will trap it. 515-276-8199

 • Trapping groundhogs will be an ongoing effort, as we just can't have these animals in the area.

12. Drain in the Apartment Parking Lot

 • We installed a cage around the drain that will keep the debris from blocking it, while still allowing the water to pass through. The broken curb has been fixed. These solutions appear to be working perfectly.

13. Lake Overflow

 • Attention must be paid to this overflow any time we have heavy rains and high winds. It doesn't always plug, but needs attention when it does. Denny and Mike have already cleared it once this year.

14. Wood Duck Houses

 • We had a hen wood duck with about ten ducklings this year. We only saw the ducklings once, so we are assuming the mother moved them or the bass ate them. Maybe we will have better luck next year.

15. Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws

 • Per last year's annual meeting, our Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were updated and the Amendments were filed with the Secretary of State and the Recorder's Office.

 • The approved Amendments were worded in an open-ended manner so they would not have to be changed in the future.

 • Denny has created "cliff notes" for the Articles and By-Laws to allow for a quick overview of the important points.

16. Lake Halice Operations Manual

 • Denny has almost completed an operations manual for Lake Halice. Included within the manual will be information regarding the lake, fish, maintenance, dam, and other topics as well. He condensed it all in a few pages and included a simple outline. When he is done, he will ask other long-time members to review his work and offer any additions.

17. Additional Volunteers

 • We'd like to have volunteers for emergency situations around the lake. Examples might include a fallen tree, emergency cleanup due to storm, etc. If you would like to add your name to this list, please contact Denny.'

18. Are there any questions or comments?

19. Vote for an extension for all Board Members. Nomination for Dani Timm.



 Denny Arthur


 Open - Board will decide


 Jim Thompson (Friend of the Board)


 Kim Jorgensen (until Dani is voted in)

Legal Support

 Dave Isaacson

Other Board Members

 Nick Roberson (2017)

 Brian Stamer (2017)

 Dutch Timm (2017)

 Damon Yaeger (2017)

 Jeff Jackson (2018)

 Dani Timm was elected to the Board of Directors on 7/6/2019

20. Adjourn Lake Halice Home Owners Association Annual Meeting

Lake Halice 2019 Annual Meeting of Board of Directors - July 6, 2019

1. Call to Order the Annual Meeting of Board of Directors

 • Vote on Officers (see above)

    Secretary and Vice President

      • Damon Yaeger was voted Vice President on 7/6/2019

      • Dani Timm was voted Secretary on 7/6/2019

 • Other business to discuss?

2. Adjourn the Annual Meeting of Board of Directors

2018 Minutes

1. Call the meeting to order

 • Call the meeting to order.

 • Thank everyone for coming and for bringing all the special dishes.

2. Guest Speaker - Andy Kellner

 • We have a special guest speaker today from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Andy Kellner.

 • Andy will talk on controlling the goose populate in the Lake Halice neighborhood.

3. Prior Year Annual Meeting Minutes

 • The annual Meeting Minutes for 2017 are on our website.

 • I have them with me if you would like me to read them.

4. 2017 Financials

 • Jim Thompson, our treasurer, will discuss financials and 2018 budget.

 • Vote to approve financials.

5. Introduced the Board members

 • Jim Thompson, Friend of the Board, Treasurer.

 • Kim Jorgensen, Secretary.

 • Other Board Members: Damon Yaeger, John Martinez, Brian Stammer, Dutch Timm and Nick Roberson.

6. Acknowledge volunteers. These people deserve special thanks for the volunteer work they do for Lake Halice:

 • Damon Yaeger and his daughter Macie do most of the mowing, lumberjacking.

 • Judy and Jerry Roberts are heloping with mowing the park area.

 • Jim Thompson, a retired CPA, does all our accounting.

 • Kim Jorgensen, Secretary. Kim is responsible for bookkeeping, billing, banking, flyers, and numerous other jobs.

 • Jon Olson manages our website.

 • Vicki Likteig organizes our annual garage sale.

 • Andy Fales and his family did a lake cleanup on Earth Day. Andy is our resident expert on the Emerald Ash Borer. Andy has worked with the DNR to help solve our goose problem.

 • Mike Arthur, Friend of the Board, helps with numerous jobs around the lake.

 • All of the board members help out with various jobs throughout the year.

  We owe these volunteers a huge thanks. We have estimated that they do over $10,000/year in volunteer work. Without their efforts we would need a hefty increase in dues. Thank you to all the volunteers!

7. Emerald Ash Bore

 • I mentioned the emerald ash borer.

 • Andy ... do you have any updates?

 • This is the year that Wright Service will inject our Ash trees. The cost is $2250 every two years. Andy helped us get this very favorable rate for all six trees. Thanks Andy.

8. Easter Egg Hunt

 • We had 40-50 kids and as usual they had a great time. Naturally, the Easter Bunny showed up for pictures!

9. Annual Garage Sales

 • Our garage sale did not appear to be as good as last year's.

 • We hold it the weekend before Urbandale Cleanup. Do we need to move it to a later date?

10. Shape of the Lake

 • The lake seems to be in good shape, but we have more grass than last year. This is possibly due to the extreme heat that started early in the year. You can see the bottom of the lake from the docks. The fish seem to be lively, fat and healthy. We have 200 grass carp that are not yet full grown. Our goal is to have the lake looking good and still have enough grass to consume the nutrients left by our goose herd.

 • There is now a trash can on the dock behind Camilio's house at 2721 Lakeland Dr.

11. Culvert

 • The culvert has been fixed.

 • The cost was $2800.

12. GroundHogs

 • We have an infestation of grounghogs. These animals dig large, deep holes and could ruin our dam.

 • We have trapped three around the lake and one was killed by something, possibly an owl.

 • If you have one on your property, me know, and I will trap it.

 • Trapping groundhogs will be an ongoing effort, as we just can't have these animals in the area.

13. Dam Update

 • I have started to aerate and over-seed the path across the dam every year.

 • It's important we have a good stand of grass to deter erosion of the dam.

14. Drain in the Apartment Parking Lot

 • Something must be done with the drain in the Apartment parking lot at the SW corner of the lake. It fills with debris and is easily plugged, which causes water to run over and erode the bank of the lake. My plan is to create a cage around the drain that will keep the debris from blocking the drain, while still allowing the water to pass.

15. Lake Overflow

 • The lake overflow was blocked by the heavy rain storm last week. The lake was probably 18 inches above normal elevation.

 • Michael and I had to clear it. This is not a hard job, but it is time consuming as small pieces of seaweed continually plug the grate back up.

 • Attention must be paid to this overflow any time we have heavy rains. It doesn't always plug, but needs attention when it does. This maintenance information will be included in the Lake Halice Documentary.

16. Great Horned Owl

 • A great horned owl has her nest in a tree at 2733 Lakeland.

 • The mother and her baby owl are currently clearing the area of rodents and rabbits.

 • If you have small animals, keep a close eye on them when outdoors.

17. Wood Duck Houses

 • The last couple of years we've had wood ducks around the lake having ducklings.

 • Michael and I put up two wood duck houses at the SE and SW corners of the lake.

18. Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws

 • Per last year's annual meeting, our Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were updated and are ready for filing.

19. Lake Halice Binder

 • I am in the process of creating a Lake Halice Binder. The resulting collection of information will include documentation on the history of Lake Halice and all pertinent legal papers and opinions. Contained within the binder will be a "brain dump" from my 38 years of living in the Lake Halice area, including information regarding the lake, fish, maintenance, dam, and other topics as well. When I am done, I will ask other long-time members to review my work and offer any additions.

20. Are there any questions or comments?

Vote on Board Members with expired terms (italic) or new candidates



  Denny Arthur (2018) - Re-Elected


  Open - Board will decide


  Jim Thompson (Friend of the Board)


  Kim Jorgensen (2017)

  Legal Support

  Dave Isaacson

  Other Board Members

  John Martinez (2018) - resigned

  Nick Roberson (2017)

  Brian Stamer (2017)

  Dutch Timm (2017)

  Damon Yaeger (2017)

  Jeff Jackson (2018) - Elected to the Board

21. Adjourn Lake Halice Home Owners Association Annual Meeting

Lake Halice 2018 Annual Meeting of Board of Directors - July 7, 2018

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors was postponed to a later date.

1. Call to Order the Annual Meeting of Board of Directors

 • Vote on Officers (see above)

 • Other business to discuss?

2. Adjourn the Annual Meeting of Board of Directors

2017 Minutes

1. Call the meeting to order

 • Thank everyone for coming and for bringing all the special dishes.

2. Prior Year Annual Meeting Minutes

 • The annual Meeting Minutes for 2016 are on our website.

 • I have them with me if you would like me to read them.

3. 2016 Financials

 • Jim Thompson, our treasurer, will discuss financials and 2017 budget.

 • Vote to approve financials.

 • Unintended Expenses

   a We had a rotten cottonwood tree on the SW corner of the lake property that had to be cut down due to liability issues. The cost was $3,000 to cut down and $500 to remove the stump.

   b We have a corrugated culvert from the street on Lakeland to the lake. This culvert was placed there 60 years ago to divert water from the street to fill our lake. Part of that culvert has begun to disintegrate, which has created a ditch on the park property which must be addressed. We do not yet know the cost. A fence has been erected around the ditch for safety reasons.

   c Every two years we are going to have to inject our trees to kill the emerald ash borer. The expense will be $2,550 every two years. We will talk about the ash borer shortly.

   d No matter how much we plan, these types of unexpected expenses seem to continue to happen.

4. Introduced the Board members

 • Kirk Jorgensen, VP.

 • Jim Thompson is a friend of the board, but he's our treasuser.

 • Kim Jorgensen is our Secretary.

 • Other Board Members: Damon Yaeger, John Martinez, Brian Stammer, Dutch Timm and Nick Roberson.

5. Acknowledge volunteers. These people deserve special thanks for the volunteer work they do for Lake Halice:

 • Damon Yaeger does most of the mowing and lumberjacking. Kirk Jorgensen assists him.

 • Jim Thompson, a retired CPA, does all our accounting.

 • Kim Jorgensen, Secretary. Kim is responsible for bookkeeping, billing, banking, flyers, and numerous other jobs.

 • Jon Olson manages our website.

 • Vicki Likteig organizes our annual garage sale.

 • This year Judy Roberts painted the swings and teeter-totter.

 • Andy Fales and his family did a lake cleanup on Earth Day.

 • All of the board members help out with various jobs throughout the year.

 • We owe these volunteers a huge thanks. We have estimated that they do over $10,000/year in volunteer work. Without their efforts we would need a hefty increase in dues. Thank you to all the volunteers!

6. Emerald Ash Bore

 • I mentioned the emerald ash borer.

 • Andy Fales is our resident expert on our ash trees and the borer. Andy will give us an update.

 • We have signed a contract with Wright Service to inject our very large ash trees. The injections must be done every two years. Andy helped us get this very favorable rate of $2250 for all six trees. Thanks Andy.

7. Easter Egg Hunt

 • We didn't have quite as many kids this year, maybe 40-50, but as usual they had a great time. Naturally, the Easter Bunny showed up for pictures!

8. Annual Garage Sales

 • Our garage sale seemed to be one of the best ever. There were cars and shoppers everywhere.

9. Shape of the Lake

 • The lake seems to be in good shape. You can see the bottom of the lake from the docks. The fish seem to be lively, fat and healthy. We have 200 grass carp that are not yet full grown. Our goal is to have the lake looking good and still have enough grass to consume the nutrients left by our goose herd.

 • Andy's documentary on urban geese and mulberries.

10. Question from last year

 • Last year, we were asked about renting swans to scare away the geese. The only swans we could find were in Indiana and they were for sale, not rent.

11. Lawsuit Update

 • Dave Isaacson got a favorable outcome from our lawsuit with Jim Conlon. He was up against one of the city's major law firms. He also did us a huge favor by giving us a very reasonable rate. We owe Dave a big thank you!

12. Articles of Incorporation

 • Article 11

 • Amending the Articles of Incorporation

Are there any questions or comments?

Vote on Board Members with expired terms (italic) or new candidates



  Denny Arthur (2018)


  Kirk Jorgensen (2017) - Re-Elected


  Jim Thompson (Friend of the Board)


  Kim Jorgensen (2017)

  Legal Support

  Dave Isaacson

  Other Board Members

  John Martinez (2018)

  Nick Roberson (xxxx)

  Brian Stamer (2017)

  Dutch Timm (2017)

  Damon Yaeger (2017)

21. Adjourn Lake Halice Home Owners Association Annual Meeting

Call to Order the Annual Meeting of Board of Directors

 • Vote on Officers (see above)

 • Other business to discuss?

2. Adjourn the Annual Meeting of Board of Directors

2016 Minutes

1. Call the meeting to order.

2. Prior Year Annual Meeting Minutes

 • The annual meeting minutes for 2015 are on our website.

3. 2016 Financials

 • Jim Thompson, our treasurer, discussed financials and 2016 budget.

 • Requested to be put on line each month, with outstanding bills.

 • $3,187 currently owed in back due Association dues and late fees.

4. Introduced the Board members.

 • Kirk Jorgensen, VP

 • Jim Thompson is a friend of the board, but he’s our treasurer.

 • Kim Jorgensen is our secretary.

 • Other Board Members: Steve Hasbrouck, John Martinez, Brian Stammer, Dutch Timm, Damon Yaeger.

5. Acknowledge volunteers. These people deserve special thanks for the volunteer work they do for Lake Halice:

 • Damon Yaeger, his daughter Macey, and Kirk Jorgensen do the mowing and trimming.

 • Jim Thompson is a retired CPA. Does our books and budget. Jim and his wife Connie also do work around the lake and are responsible for cleaning up the jungle between the dam and 86 Street a few years ago. A monumental job.

 • Kim Jorgensen is our secretary. Kim is responsible for bookkeeping, billing, banking, flyers, and numerous other jobs.

 • Jon Olson manages our website.

 • Vicki Likteig organizes our annual garage sale.

 • All of the board members help out with different jobs throughout the year. We owe them a big thanks. As I outlined in my response to Jim Conlin, these people donate a minimum of $10,500 worth of time each year.

6. Emerald Ash Bore

 • The ash bore was discovered in Colby Woods about a mile from here last year.

 • Andy Fales gave us an update from his learnings reporting on TV

 • We have signed a contract with Wright Tree Service to inject our very large ash trees. The injections must be done every two years. Andy helped us get a very favorable rate of $2250 for all six trees.

 • It was agreed by majority at meeting to treat the trees

 • Also was brought up that we should solicit donations from LHHOA members for replacement trees, and to offset the cost of treatments(to date 8/1/2016 we have received $100 in donations).

7. Easter Egg Hunt - Another successful event attended by about 65 children.

8. Annual Garage Sale - Our garage sale appeared to be a success.

9. Shape of the Lake

 • The lake seems to be in great shape. Fishermen are catching lots of nice bass that appear to be fat and healthy. The water is clear. Ideally we need some grass in the Lake to use up the nutrients supplied by our goose herd. The grass carp are not full grown yet so it remains to be seen what the lake will be like grass-wise when they reach full size in full eating capacity.

 • Discussed possibly solutions for geese problems. Check into Swan rental again next year.

 • Reminder to not feed geese.

10. Lawsuit with Jim Conlin

 • Settled, payment received.

 • 65 apartments – 3 votes

11. Articles of Incorporation

 • Amend article V and the amendment to article V. The part of the sentence that says the membership fees that all such owners will be subject shall be not less than six dollars nor more than $25 annually shall be removed and replaced by the membership fees shall be $35 per lot or an amount voted by the majority of members at the annual meeting.
One opposed, majority in favor.

 • Amend article VIII and amendment to article VIII. The regular meeting of the Lake Halice homeowners shall be held on the Saturday before, the Saturday of, or two Saturdays after 4 July and any day in between as determined by the Board of Directors. Each member shall be notified by letter, by hand, or cyber delivery to their last known Lake Halice address of record. The regular annual meeting of the directors shall be held immediately after the regular annual meeting.
All in favor.

12. Vote on Board Members with expired terms or new candidates.



 Denny Arthur (2016) *Reelected (2018)


 Kirk Jorgensen (2017)


 Jim Thompson (Friend of the Board)


 Kim Jorgensen (Friend of the Board)

Legal Support

 Cliff Swartz (Cliff has all records for the entire history of Lake Halice Association)

 Dave Isaacson

Other Board Members

 Steve Hasbrock (2017)

 John Martinez (2016) * Reelected (2019)

 Brian Stamer (2017)

 Dutch Timm (2017)

 Damon Yaeger (2017)

 Nick Roberson (2019) *Newly elected (2019)

13. Adjourn Lake Halice Home Owners Association Annual Meeting

14. Annual Meeting of Board of Directors

 Due to length of meeting, Board of Directors to be held next week.

2015 Minutes

1. President, Denny Arthur, called the meeting to order.

2. 2014 Annual Meeting: It was noted that the 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes were on the website for anyone interested. Miscellaneous follow-up notes from 2014 Annual Meeting were discussed:

 a. The burned down house was purchased by the Sullivans.

 b. The extra telephone pole was gone within a week after Denny contacted Mid-American Energy in 2014.

 c. Children at Play signs – needs additional follow-up!

3. The Financials were discussed and approved. The below items were also covered:

 a. Current balance of Money Market Account is $13,559. (Will need to build this up a lot more to pay for costs associated to the Emerald Ash Borer. Currently within a mile of Lake Halice in a park by Colby Woods. It is suggested that treatment is started.)

 b. Law Suit – The Association’s attorney, Dave Isaacson, will be paid a flat fee of $3,000. A proposed settlement has been sent to our attorney from Conlin’s attorney. We are working on a counter-proposal. A question was asked about if future dues increased, would the apartments have to pay the increase. The answer was Yes.

4. Discuss change in time for Annual Picnic: The time for future meetings will be changed from 3:00 p.m. back to 5:00 p.m. The 2016 Picnic and Meeting will be held the Saturday before the 4th (or July 2nd) at 5:00 p.m.

5. Fishing Contest: due to lack of interest there was not a fishing contest this year. It was decided that in 2016 there would be a fishing contest, including an adult division.

6. The Board was thanked for another year of hard work, including much volunteer work. Special thanks was given to the following volunteers:

 Damon Yaeger and his daughter, Macy – Majority of the mowing, trimming, lumberjacking.

 Jim and Connie Thompson – Bookwork, financials, and managing annual picnic.

 Kim Breem Jorgensen – Secretary, bookkeeping, billing, banking, and flyers.

 Vicki Lickteig – Annual Garage Sale

 Jon Olson – Website

7. Easter Egg Hunt: Roaring success! 65 kids and many thankful parents.

8. Garage Sales: No decisive feedback on “timing” for the garage was received. Some suggested the garage sale be held before the Urbandale Spring Cleanup.

9. Lake: The Lake is in good shape. The water is clear and they are catching some big fish. Algae is not a problem in the lake. We added 100 grass carp last year. It will be two more years before we know their affect. Need to make a decision on applying another copper sulfate treatment this year

10. Conlin Law Suit: Still in the works. Conlin’s attorney is putting together a proposal to settle it. The Board will counter and approve any proposals that seem acceptable to Lake Halice HOA.

11. Emerald Ash Borer: Details about the Emerald Ash Borer were discussed as well as treatment. A decision on treatment needs to be made before next year. Spring is the best time for effective treatment.

12. Questions: A question was asked about “renting” swans as a goose deterrent. Andrea offered to investigate this prior to the 2016 goose breeding season.

The annual meeting was adjourned.


2015 Board Meeting Minutes – July 4, 2015

The Board Meeting was called to order for Election of Board Members.

The board members listed below were elected by unanimous vote to new terms:

 Kirk Jorgensen

 Kim Breen Jorgensen

 Dutch Timm

The officers listed below were elected by unanimous vote to new terms:

 Denny Arthur – President

 Kirk Jorgensen – Vice President

 Kim Breen Jorgensen – Secretary

 Jim Thompson – Treasurer

The board meeting was adjourned.

2014 Minutes

President, Denny Arthur, called the meeting to order.

He thanked the members for coming and bringing such great food.

The results from the fishing contest were announced and trophies were passed out.

The Financials were discussed and approved. This includes the Statement of Receipts and Disbursements and the Budget.

The Board was thanked for another year of hard work, including much volunteer work.

Special thanks was given to the following volunteers:

  Damon Yaeger and his daughter, Macy - Majority of the mowing, trimming, lumberjacking.

  Jim Thompson - Bookwork and financials

  Kim Breem - Secretary, bookkeeping, billing, banking, and flyers

  Vicki Likteig - Garage sale

  Jon Olson - Website

Garage Sale — It was suggested that the garage sale be held a little later next year, maybe in June.

Dam — The dam looks good with new riprap (broken concrete) and in good shape. The brome grass didn’t take, so that will need to be done again.

Lake — The Lake is in good shape, but it still has lots of weeds. Board and members authorized the purchase of 100 additional grass carp. Denny Arthur will buy the grass carp and charge the Association when finances are in good shape. Kirk and Brian sprayed some chemicals to eliminate some grass. This treatment worked to some degree.

Overflow — The new overflow extension seems to work well. It still needs to be cleaned occasionally.

Law Suit — The Lakeview Apartment Complex lawsuit was discussed. It is ongoing at this time. For details, contact Dennis Arthur 276-8199.

Ash Trees in the Park — Emerald Ash Borer is getting closer to Des Moines. We will have to deal with this problem as needed. Will plant some new trees as we go along and as funds are available.

Burnt down house on 88th Court — Some complaints were voiced regarding the burnt down house.
Follow-up conducted after meeting by Denny Arthur: Denny talked to the Public Works department, City Manager, and the City Attorney. They have all assured him they are working hard on the problem. If anyone would like to talk to the City Attorney, his name is Bob Layden (266-6000 or cell 306-1087).

Electric Poles side by side on New York Avenue — A compliant was voiced during the meeting about two electric poles side by side. The homeowner wanted only one.
Follow-up conducted after meeting by Denny Arthur: Denny called MidAmerican Energy. They said the second pole belonged to the phone company and it was the phone company’s job to remove it. MidAmerican contacted the phone company and the pole has been removed.

“Children at Play” signs in the Park — A question was raised about what happened to the Children at Play signs in the park.
Follow-up conducted after the meeting by Denny Arthur: Denny talked to Urbandale Parks and Recreation. Denny was told that the signs were removed because they were old. He was assured the signs would be replaced.


A vote was made to amend Article 2 and Article 11 of the Lake Halice Articles of Incorporation. The current Articles stated that notification for Annual Meetings or Special Elections are to be mailed. The Amendment would add that they could also be personally delivered. This Amendment was approved by unanimous vote. BOTH articles are AMENDED to INCLUDE that these notices can also be PERSONALLY DELIVERED. Both articles will now read: Notices can be Mailed OR Personally Delivered.

A vote was made to amend Article 8. The current Article read that the annual meeting would be held the Saturday before or the Saturday after the 4th of July. The amendment would add the Saturday after or on the 4th of July. (In 2015 the 4th of July will fall on Saturday!) This Amendment was approved by unanimous vote.

A vote was taken to classify the status of all past annual meetings or special meetings for which the notices were personally delivered (as governed by the Lake Halice bylaws). Per a unanimous vote, these meetings were classified as legal meetings and all votes taken during those meetings were classified as legal votes.

Election of Board Members — The following members were up for re-election to the Board and all were approved by unanimous vote:
  Denny Arthur
  Steve Hasbrook
  John Martinez
  Brian Stamer
  Damon Yaeger

The meeting was adjourned.

This meeting followed the Annual Meeting. The officers listed below were elected to new terms:

 Denny Arthur — President
 Kirk Jorgensen — Vice President
 Kim Breen — Secretary
 Jim Thompson — Treasurer

The meeting was adjourned.

2013 Minutes

Denny Arthur called the meeting to order by announcing the winners of the fishing tournament and having Jim Thomson present awards.

Gwen Essex retired as Executive Secretary and unofficial lake historian but is still helping as a Friend of the Board. We appreciate all the time she has given to the Association and look forward to her passing along her knowledge.

In preparation for the DNR inspection of the dam The Board hired a company to rip rap the majority of the dam and remove the honeysuckle that had been growing. They also planted some Brome Grass on the East slope to help with erosion. More Brome Grass will need to be planted as the rains watch some away. The outlet drain also received a new 8″ mesh cap in hopes to not trapping all of the grasses and allowing water to flow thru so the lake does not flood. The DNR reported that our Dam was in good shape and the next inspection will be approximately 2017.

Other expenses this year out of the ordinary was the purchase of a commercial mower to be used by the volunteers who take care of the park property. All of the mowing, snow and trash removal is done by volunteers and the addition of the mower is a great asset to volunteers′ man hours.

The grass in the lake appears to be better than last year. This spring several hundred dollars of DNR approved grass killer was applied and it did a fairly good job of controlling it in those areas. Of course the lake is still recovering from the fish kill of several years ago, and the restocking of fish. It will take time for the fish to grow to maturity where they can better control the grass in the lake.

A reminder to everyone that our lake is Private Property and fishing is catch and release only. Members must accompany their guests when at the park area.

There was also a reminder not to feed the geese or the feral cats.

Kirk Jorgensen and Kim Breen were re-elected to the board. Dutch Timm was also elected, as well as K′la Novencido appointed to the board as Secretary.

2012 Minutes

Meeting opened by Denny Arthur

Discussed change from having picnic/meeting on July 4th to the Saturday following the 4th.

Motioned and passed that meeting would be Saturday after 4th going forward.

Denny discussed the difficulty with the lake grasses and the addition of more grass carp this year. We have bought and spread some chemicals to help control the weeds around the dock area for fishing. He also asked for volunteers to help with clearing the dam area or providing rip-rap for shoreline. Possibility of hiring someone to clear much of the dam area since the DNR is scheduled to inspect. He will get an estimate and have the board vote on it.

New grate top for the lake outlet has been ordered so that there is a 8-10” grate standing on top of the outlet with a cover so that grass cannot build up on all sides and clog the outlet and raise the lake level. It will be installed by board members.

New (used) commercial grade lawn mower was purchased by the association so volunteers can continue to mow common areas.

Denny thanked all the Board Members and volunteers for their help in putting on the Easter Egg hunt, and Jim and Connie Thompson for organizing the fishing contest and picnic. He thanked Board Members for their help in clearing some of the brush around the dam and all the mowing.

Damon Yaeger was able to haul in some old playground equipment which he will use to make some fishing platforms around the lake. Volunteers would be appreciated, they can contact Damon.

Opened floor to questions, there were none, and meeting was adjourned.

2011 Minutes

Meeting called to order by Denny Arthur. Damon, Bart, John, Denny, Steve, Ken and Brian were present. Jim Thompson, treasurer was present.

The new business was the election of officers.

It was moved and seconded that:

Denny Arthur would continue as president.

Kirk Jorgensen would continue as vice president.

Jim Thompson would continue as treasurer.

Denny asked if there were any questions or concerns.

A concern was expressed by Jude Dickson about a property that borders her on the south. What can the board do about the owner violating code on the property? The owner currently has Lake Halice liens on the property. Has the homeowner violated any covenant restriction on the abstract? Is there a time limit on violations? Denny agreed that our lawyer, Cliff Swartz, would be contacted to see if there was anything Lake Halice could do.

The Annual Meeting was adjourned.

2009 Minutes

Meeting called to order by Denny Arthur

First order of business, Kim Breen announced the winners of the fishing contest and presented boating trophies. The fishing trophies were awarded after the tournament concluded.

Denny thanked Kirk Jorgensen and Kim Breen for stepping up in the absence of Jim and Connie Thompson and taking over the organization of the 4th of July activities. Denny also asked that Jim be kept in everyone’s prayers while he was in the hospital recovering from surgery. He also thanked Kim for putting together the event flyers for the past year and making sure they were distributed, and Kirk for his help in mowing and trash removal.

Announced that he had a few copies of our financials if anyone wanted to look them over, we have approximately $16K in our account.

Denny recapped the Easter Egg Hunt as being a good success with another appearance by the Easter Bunny to the delight of many youngsters. Denny commented that our Halloween party was a lot of fun for those that attended, and reminded people that these activities are for all to enjoy.

He addressed the issue with the grass in the lake. We have ordered grass carp, waiting for delivery; apparently our initial order was mis-placed. He stated that the DNR books now say that it’s very good for the lakes and ponds to have grass as it helps absorb the nutrients left by our feathered friends. It is also good habitat for the fish. However, there is too much grass and hopefully the fish come soon.

Discussed how our lake is maintained by a group of volunteers who do the mowing, cutting and hauling, because quotes from professionals range from $800-$1000 per trip and especially in the spring 2 x a week would be necessary. Also spoke of the Ash Beetle that is in Iowa now, and the possibility we will soon have to have the big trees in the park removed at great expense. He talked about the possibility that we would have to line the drainage pipe for the lake in the future, and that we wouldn’t have choice in the matter, the city wouldn’t let us have a huge mud patch! He also thanked John Martinez for his back breaking labor of snow and ice removal along 86th Street.

Then he announced that the Board had voted and approved a $10 per household increase in dues starting in 2010. It was asked if anyone had any comments or issues with that, there were none, so it was voted by a show of hands to approve the increase, vote was unanimous. This will be approximate $2700 additional revenue per year.

Denny then asked John Martinez if he wanted to be on the board again as he was up for re-election, to which John agreed. Denny also said he was up for re-election, and asked if there was anyone that wanted to be on the board, to which Kim Breen nominated Damon Yaeger. Damon agreed. Denny motioned for a vote and all were elected.

Denny asked if there were any questions or concerns. There was a concern of no Orange Soda this year, but otherwise the picnic was successful. Christy Burgess stood and said that she wanted to thank the volunteers who work to keep the area cleaned and it was very much appreciated. Everyone clapped and responded in kind.

Meeting adjourned.

2008 Minutes

The Lake Halice Annual Meeting called to order by the president, Denny Arthur.

The first order of business was the awarding of the trophies by Jim Thompson. He awarded by age group, size of fish and biggest fish. Then the boating awards were given.

Denny Arthur then recapped the year.

The first major discussion was the fish kill. Volunteers removed over 200 carp, bass, crappie and blue gill out of the lake and filled a huge dumpster over 2/3 full. The cause of the fish kill was attributed to excessive geese population and high temperature of the water, and the algae bloom which deprived the fish of oxygen.

The lake has been restocked with 250 bass approximately 10-12" at this time.

Denny then thanked Jim and Connie Thompson for all their hard-work cleaning the dike area on the east side of the lake along 86th Street.

Denny reported that the Easter Egg Hunt was a huge success based in part to the arrival of the "REAL" Easter bunny. Approximately 75 children participated.

The Lake Halice Garage Sale was reported to be a huge success also. The feed-back reportedly liked having it the week before Spring Pick-up, so it will be scheduled again for that time next year.

Denny reported that 6 pair of geese had families at the lake this year.

Denny then opened up for questions and comments. Concerning the 4th of July picnic, a request was made for diet, caffeine-free pop and less sliced beef.

Denny praised the long service to Lake Halice Board of Jim Hayes who has retired.

An election of new members was held and Sue Vance and Julie Reynolds were added to the board and Jim Thompson becomes a "Friend of the Board" and Leslie Sullivan has gone off the board. Dave Bosman, Bart White and Brick Volkmer were re-elected to the board.

The Annual Meeting was adjourned.